The Docs as Code Toolbox

Working with documentation today most likely involves treating docs as code.

To follow the docs as code approach you need to know the tools required to create documentation using plain text and markup languages, putting your docs in an online repository, and generating static files to create your documentation site.

The following is a list of the most common tools to treat docs like code:

Markup Languages

Markup languages enable you to write text in a human readable form but using a specific syntax that can be processed by tools, such as a static site generator in this case. The following are the most common for documentation purposes:

Static Site Generators

A Static Site Generator makes it easy to convert your text to static files suitable for a documentation website. This website contains a comprehensive list of static site generators. Here I list the most common ones:

Online Repository Hosting

You can use an online repository to manage your documentation and to automate a pipeline to host your static site.

The most common are:

Static Site Hosting

To host your documentation site you need a hosting platform.

This can be:

Docs as Code Tutorial

There are many ways you can mix the tools described above to follow the docs as code approach. Here you can find a tutorial that explains how to do it using MkDocs, GitHub, and GitHub Pages, AWS, or Netlify to deploy.

I hope you find it useful. All feedback is welcome!